Brad Rosenbaum [Photo: David Kramer]
THIS ARTICLE FIRST APPEARED IN THE D & C At Young Woman’s College Prep, Brad Rosenbaum aiming to hit 1.000 (D & C) Due to D & C server change, some of the pictures are missing.
• August 31, 2015
Time for the boys of summer to be the men of September again.
You met Brad Rosenbaum (yes, that’s right. He was adopted into the Jewish faith) at the Sunday Pick Up softball game played at the Brighton Twelve Corners Middle School around the corner from the Farmer’s Market. Versatile fielder. Plenty of power to left and center. Beneficiary and victim of the dreaded “Bradley Shift.” Sometimes accused of taking good pitches. See Pick up softball games still exist

Opinion Page, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, June 2015. From Pick up softball games still exist
Brad did not bat 1.000 this season. Nonetheless, as the summer starts fading into fall, and summer softballs are replaced by textbooks, Brad is still looking to make a hit. A 100% college acceptance rate for graduating students at Young Women’s College Prep Charter School of Rochester.
I have known Brad as a counselor at RIT who loved his job. So I was somewhat surprised he has taken a “Bradley Shift.” After spending the last 4 years at the RIT Higher Education Opportunity Program, Brad is making a change after accepting a position at YWCP as Director of College Counseling.
As Brad explained it, the more time he spent in the college campus atmosphere, the more he began to realize his passion. To give all students, especially those from difficult situations like many at YWCP, that very opportunity:
Coming from Brighton High School, I took many of the opportunities available to me for granted. Working for an outstanding program like HEOP at RIT, I was introduced to a different side of the college process. It was working with some of the most talented students I had ever encountered, many who came from very difficult backgrounds, that I realized that I could really affect change by working at the ground level by helping more students get into college.
But a 1.000 average? A lofty–and daunting–goal if there ever was one. YWCP is a charter school, but most of its students face the same challenges and obstacles as their District counterparts. Realistically, when it comes to college admissions, they are at a competitive disadvantage compared with their suburban counterparts. How will Brad make his goal?
I believe that all students should have the opportunity to have access to higher education. I will work tirelessly to provide my students opportunities that they might not have known existed. Through hard work, via a student centered approach, I plan to provide the most informed, and best route available to college campuses for all my girls.
Ultimately, this is not a question of charter vs. public schools. Its about people like Brad helping all young people achieve their dreams, in this case, going to college. All those many in Brad’s wide circles–education, sports, faith–are rooting for him. When next season rolls around, I’ll report the results.
Actually, Brad reminded me if we get enough players (come by!), we are having two more games, this Sunday and Labor Day. Brad says he aims to end the season by launching one onto the roof of Twelve Corners Middle School. No problem. My “Bradley Shift” includes an outfielder positioned on the roof!