Jo Jo and myself in front of his car
One of favorite posts over the summer was “Against Prejudging in Pittsford at Lock 62.” It was the story of two young men, Jo Jo and Josh, I met at Lock 62 in Pittsford. A similar version was reprinted as a Guest Essay in the D & C , “Chance meeting leads to learning,” and was well received.
Against prejudging in Pittsford at Lock 62 includes scan of print version
In the digital version I wrote:
I had wanted to take a picture of them [Jo Jo and Josh] on the granite ledge with graffiti on the wall, but didn’t have my camera. They took my email address and would get me cell phone photos. Jo Jo had more to say.
I have not heard back (that’s ok). There is a good chance I will never see Josh and Jo Jo again. But Lock 62 in Pittsford will always feel a little different.
But fate felt differently.
At Nazareth on this beautiful day taking a walk about an hour ago, I went into a Monroe Avenue convenience store. A young man brightened, “I saw the story about us in the paper!” It was Jo Jo.
The mother (god bless her, a loyal print reader) of his manager at Applebys had seen the article and told her son. The manager then gave the piece to Jo Jo who shared it with his co-workers and his own mother. To my gratification, Jo Jo said we got the story right.
Jo Jo said neither he nor his friends saw the online version. I promised to re-post as soon as I could so Jo Jo’s friends could see the story themselves. And here it is.
This time I only spoke with Jo Jo for a moment. Applebys was calling. I wrote down the blog name and told him,, just one word. He smiled; “talker of the town, that’s me.”
This time I had my camera. So I finally got my picture.
Against prejudging in Pittsford at Lock 62 includes scan of print version