With three Wayouters (L-R) Chris Young, Paul Gabbey (father of UR baseball player, Owen), David Kramer (me) and Amy Gdala [Photo: a fan] 4/16/16

That day, at about 8:45 a.m., a group of seven red eyed shoppers was huddled outside the store on 1460 Monroe Avenue in Brighton. Today, National Record Store Day, the rush for the latest releases was now a line — about 25 BopShoppers.
And the occasion meant another bash thrown by Tom and Jann.

(center) me. I said I would remember the other line vinyl junkies’ names. But didn’t. [Photo: Sideways Jukebox] 4/16/16
One comrade — nicknamed “Sideways Jukebox” by the others — took the photograph. The queued art critics closely explicated JBox’s work for its compositional use of space and expressivity. Although JBox had said he only wanted to take the picture so as not be in it, Sideways’ creation drew rave reviews.
I asked one of the usual National Record Store Day suspects if he made an annual habit of lining up near dawn. To which he replied, that’s like asking someone going to the Rocky Horror Picture Show whether they are Rocky virgins. Apparently, he had not read how I had lost my innocence, rockily, at the RHPS.
Further and closer up in line was Hank. Actually, Bop Shop Records was Hank the hard core’s second stop of the morning. Lakeshore Records opens at 8 a.m. on National Record Day, and when Hank arrived at 6:30, he was only 5th in line. One couple — real hard cores — had camped out since midnight. Perhaps the couple was in a state of being less than conducive to understanding how clocks work.
Not that kind of guy, Hank also twice asked if the photo was for a porn website. Read about my deflowering at the Cinema Theatre and judge for yourself whether our magazine is any way prurient.
Inside, first stop was complimentary caffeine at the Fuego Coffee Roasters with baristas Mitch and Chris. Next to Abilene’s in the St Paul Quarter, the café is a popular spot for local musicians like themselves. And Mitch and Chris explained how Fuego is working on a cooperative coffee project with growers in Guatemala, which is cool.
As in November, WAYO, 104-3 F.M. — a growing and alternative station emphasizing creative freedom and diversity — had a table. A fan (a Wayouter) took the featured picture.
I also met Amy Gdala who co-hosts Yentas Shmentas!, an advice program with what seems to be a jewish mother twist. Amy invited me to be a guest on the program in which she and listeners solve my romantic woes, commercial free as the solving will take a lot of air time.
From opening, the aisles were packed at Bop Shop Records people enjoyed the music of three bands, including the Fox Sisters.
On my way out, I was treated to some delicious cakes and stuffed veggie things at the Orange Blossom table. One camera shy young woman preferred to conceal her identity, rumored to actually work for the Owl House and not Orange Blossom.
In the parking lot, Lustre Kings Liam Hogg and Michael “Chops” LaConte were preparing for the release of their new LP, “Go Green.” Why the title? Apparently, the Lustre Kings have been green since green just meant grass.

In the Bop Shop parking lot preparing for their gig, Lustre Kings (back) Michael “Chops” LaConte and Liam Hogg
Next year, I’ll be first in line at daybreak. Unless that hard core couple gets there first.
Forget EastplaceMarketview when you can Get Hip at Black Vinyl Friday at Bop Shop Records
On the People’s Party with DJ Alykhan. And raising $500 for Chess, Rhymes and Wisdom
Jilted Rochester embraces David Bowie at the Visual Studies Workshop. Even if he is still pissed.