Aaron tracking down Blake’s mound shot. In the interest of fairness, as Aaron played one year of club baseball at SUNY Courtland, he self-imposed a handicap. Aaron played with sandals. 5/29/16
Hitting for the cycle — a single, double, triple and home run — is a rare feat in baseball, occurring in MLB only 306 times since Curry Foley’s first cycle in 1882. But in the last inning of the Sunday pick up softball game at the Brighton Twelve Corners Middle School, there stood Blake at the plate, a home run away from number 307.
True, Blake’s quest for the cycle was aided by a dubious interpretation of the game’s Mound Rules. Earlier, Blake had smoked one into the greenery. But the feckless fielder’s claimed the mound had impeded them, and Blake was awarded a grounds rule double.
So I delivered one to Blake right where he likes it, a touch high and inside. With no technicality to save the outfielders, Blake launched the ball over their fleeing behinds. Number 307. And our team B had rallied to victory.

Kid Hansen scoring; catcher Jeff Feldman from The Boys of Summer are back at The Corners
As for the rest of the game, alas, we were without Kid Hansen, having been called up by the Red Wings and playing tonight at Frontier Field.
Energized by his base running exploit the week before, Raff traipsed into third four times on triples. Mike claims they were all “pure,” that is, without fielder errors. Although his base coaches were of little help; “in some cases I was pleading with my teammates to give me a clue as whether to run or stay.”
STRIP TEASE: next week Michael “A-Gal” Raff is planning a softball fashion statement you won’t want to miss.
Also, Aaron Carter, who was back after a week off, updated us on that 2004 ALCS game:
I was at the infamous ARod-Arroyo ball slap game. Shortly thereafter riot police lined the stadium. It was rocking!
Somewhat sheepishly, Brad layed low today. AWOL. At the game still lingered whispers about Brad’s kidnapping plot the week before.

Before you think the featured pic was “staged,” the ball did go into the crick, here retrieved by Joe and Mike after the game. Keeping a close eye, fortunately Aaron is a certified life guard — just in case, 5/29/16
There was a moment of crisis. Just like last year, a foul ball splashed down into the creek, too far out to sea to be retrieved by hand. Always a band of brothers, three team players rescued the misbegotten softball. The game was resumed.
You may recall last year when BG arrived at the game only to discover it was rained out. Then BG was trapped under the bridge but rescued. To return the favor, BG aided the human trio.
Also, today is my mother’s birthday. Happy Birthday Mom!
As seen in the video, I hit that first inning home run for you.
And what a thoughtful gift: a Good Earth grass scented soy candle from Artful Gardener for your Sunday porch dinner. Don’t tell Mom about this article and ruin the surprise. And BG gives Happy Birthday wishes too.
And, of course, music at the Brighton Farmer’s Market. This week’s gig was performed by RIT professors Babak Elahi and Grant Cos, a.k.a the Tree Shakers.
AND, a double header this week: games Sunday and Monday. See you Memorial Day at the Corners!
Celebrating the Fourth of July at the Game at the Corners. And much more.