[Kelli Bobyn, age 5, National Cheesecake Day at Cheesy Eddie’s, 7/30/16]
No one is claiming cheesecake to be a health food. But — according to the hundreds who gathered at Cheesy Eddie’s for National Cheesecake Day — cheesecake is good for you.
All agreed cheesecake makes you happy.
It’s a morale booster. Not just for special occasions, cheesecake is an ideal nightcap and perfectly compliments coffee. A slice makes a great congratulatory gift as one man gave to a co-worker for her promotion. For another woman, cheesecake brought back memories of every Father’s Day and birthday when her father savored his plain. She likes plenty of strawberries. And today the slices at Cheesy Eddie’s were free!
Knowing today was National Cheesecake Day, Holly Hempill came thousands of miles for the occasion:
I was in Europe this summer and saw Ryan Baker’s [one of John the owner’s sons] post about the cheesecake and knew I had to come back into the country for this.
Living in Ohio, Holly works in a pizza shop that serves — yes — cheesecake.
The mother of the hopscotchers, Kelli and Laura Bobyn, served Cheesy Eddie’s cheesecake at her wedding. Kelli and Laura had their first slices at about age 1 — now seasoned veterans of National Cheesecake Day.
A graduate of the MCC Dental Clinic in 2014 and proudly wearing her dental clinic t-shirt, Erin says enjoy your cheesecake, But don’t forget to brush and floss after.
Avid runners, Dianna and Julie didn’t know how many calories were in cheesecake and didn’t care. They’d burn it off in no time. Dianna and Julie live to run and eat cheesecake!
Three third year engineering students at RIT conceded that scientifically and technically cheesecake probably does not qualify as “health food.”
But that didn’t stop them. Cheesecake is served in the RIT dining halls but can’t compare to that found this afternoon on South Avenue. Besides, as Rachel remarked, cheesecake contains cheese so it must be a little healthy.

Third Year RIT engineering students (l-r) Rachel Tassoni, Lyndsey Siganowich and Melissa Zender. Hey, cheesecake has cheese in it and cheese is good for you.
My slice was chocolate.

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