Marty on 19th century mound at the Game at the Corners see First Girls of Summer at the Game at the Corners 8/7/16
As described by Marty below, the exciting news is that on Sunday August 21st on the ball field behind the Brighton High School (right around the corner from the Brighton Farmers Market) Marty will be bringing his 19th century equipment for a demonstration and a game at 11 am following the softball game.

Marty pounding in the base. In ’68 bases were filled with straw, although today the Live Oak’s fudge it a bit by adding carpet. 8/21/16
Marty will be there around 9 am to display and describe the equipment, including setting up fair and foul lines using flour! After the softball game, at around 11, we’ll take batting and fielding practice and play a mini-game. ALL ARE INVITED TO WATCH AND PLAY.

Swinging in the rain. Glove Kramer facing No Glove Brancato. Joe behind the plate. [Photo: Anthony] 8/21/16
From Crooked Arm:

No Glove Brancato and Glove Kramer at the Brighton Farmers Market 8/7/16 [Photo by Nancy Gingold. Nancy has taken many of the photos for the Game at the Corners series
We were walking across the athletic fields on our way to an ATM because, well, we splurged a bit. There’s a lot of really great stuff at the Brighton Farmers Market.
Suddenly a softball comes sailing over the fence that I ran over to fetch. I threw the ball to someone on the other side of the fence who not only appreciated the gesture, he invited me to play. I declined. Don’t get me wrong. I love to play base ball (two words), softball, softball, whiffle ball, and darn near any other kind of game.
I also love Kathy and this was one of those rare days when both of us had the day off. So I wanted to continue shopping with her at the market. But Kathy — knowing I love to play — was fine with me going off to join everybody for softball. “You might make some new friends and you can talk about your old timey base ball.” So, when the shopping was done, off I went. Woo Hoo!I’m glad I played softball with everybody. It turns out that there’s a pick-up game every Sunday behind the Brighton High School.
I also recognized a player from several parties hosted by a mutual friend. Norm and I got to talking a bit after the game with a couple of other players and he remembered that I play 19th century Base Ball at Genesee Country Village and Museum in Mumford.
Baseball was spelled as two words back then. We play by the rules used in 1868. Three strikes and you’re out. Three balls and you walk. A foul ball caught on one bound is an out. The hurler (pitcher) throws underhand and must pitch from between two lines that are four feet apart, six feet in length, and the front line is 45 feet from home plate. We wear 19th century style uniforms and we don’t wear gloves. Gloves weren’t invented yet! The game in 1868 is a bit different from the game in 2016.
Now, I admit, I did talk pretty fast when I was telling the fellas about base ball and the tournament because I get excited about base ball. So I don’t know if they understood everything I said. Fortunately, I type slower than I talk so that’ll make it easier for me to be understood. At the very least, my enthusiasm did seem to rub off a little and I was asked to come back for a full demonstration with authentic equipment. So Sunday, August 21st, we’re going to play softball and 1868 base ball. Come out and play with us! It’s amazing what’ll happen when a ball game finds you.see photo montage by Douglass Worboys, a friend of the Greece Historical Society
see Tom River’s story and photos from the Orleans Hub.
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