[Offering volume to Salman Syed, Friends of the Library volunteer, 8/1/17]
In Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism to reprint “Imperium in Imperio: Sutton Griggs’s Imagined War of 1898”, we shared some literary pleasure about the surprise request that Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism
reprint an essay I had written on the 19th century African-American novelist Sutton Griggs.
In the tongue-in-cheek Says who you can’t get rich being a writer. we took the fun f
urther with a look at how our other writers have been paid to write.
And just yesterday my complimentary copy arrived in the mail. For fans of Griggs, the volume is an unparalleled collection of critical work dating back to 1983. But anyone interested in post-reconstruction African-American literature will find the collection compelling.
After reading with consumed pleasure all the essays, today I donated the volume to the Brighton Memorial Library.
I love the library and hope patrons will enjoy the book.
Donations to local libraries is always a delight. In In search of Shirley Jackson and finding the Brighton High School Alumni author display case, I offered the Brighton High School library some other articles.
In One of the largest LGBTQ libraries in the nation receives historic donation from EUGENE Kramer you saw my father make his own donation to the LBGTQ library in the Gay Alliance building.
So go the Brighton Memorial Library and read all about it.
Also, I’ve donated not just books but candy. On Halloween 2018, we had two candy bags left
over: Reeses and Milky Ways. I love Reeses so hoarded them for myself. But I gladly donated the Milky Ways to the BML staff and/or patrons.
A ribbon cutting and the Pages of the Brighton Memorial Library