Bruce Kay (left) and David Kramer from A 1997 trip to deep Peru retracing the Shining Path.
In Help Talker fill its empty hat and Talker’s experiment is an “incomplete success.” But it’s not too late., we beat the drums slowly for donations to defray Talker‘s yearly operating expenses.
As we have yet to monetize — no advertisements, no pay pal, no donate button — contributions have to be made in check or cash in stamped envelopes: more analog than digital. The results were at first slow, but recently philanthropists have been filling the coffers, including well wishing holiday cards. It’s not too late!
155 Avalon Drive
Rochester, NY 14618
Recently, Talker‘s Foreign Correspondent, Dr, Bruce Howard Kay, made an exceedingly generous donation. While Bruce has previously corresponded from Peru and Albania, currently we have stationed him in Maryland with his wife and two children.
In A 1997 trip to deep Peru retracing the Shining Path. we took an outstanding adventure of love and war. In From Tirana with love. And a dash of Pristina. we toured Albania and Kosovo.
Young Bruce appeared in For you, Talker buys the D & C digital archives. And Noam Chomsky. Adolescent Bruce had an indispensable role in A ribbon cutting and the Pages of the Brighton Memorial Library
While political scientist Dr. Kay does not like being referred to as our “Bush guy,” in May 24th, 2005 when President Bush spent political capital in Greece. he provided a trenchant and contextualized explanation of the term “political capital.”
In Bruce’s thoughtful Holiday card, he says:
Consider opening a kickstarter account and figuring out how to lure in the cash w/fake news content and revisionist history of the Flower City.
My analog self had to look up kickstarter. Good idea, Dr. Kay!
Talker’s experiment is an “incomplete success.” But it’s not too late.
A ribbon cutting and the Pages of the Brighton Memorial Library
May 24th, 2005 when President Bush spent political capital in Greece.