Among thousands at Kodak Hall, former President Bill Clinton mourns Louise

Among thousands at Kodak Hall, former President Bill Clinton mourns Louise

Flag at half mast to honor Louise Slaughter, Buckland Park, Brighton, 3/22/18

As seen in On October 19th, 2012 when Bill Clinton campaigned for Louise Slaughter, in 2012 former President Bill Clinton campaigned for Representative Louise Slaughter at a rally attended by more than 3,000 in the Main Street Armory. (SEE FULL PRESIDENTIAL VISITS SERIES AT END)

Today, Clinton’s return was a sad one as over 2,300, including former NYS Senator Hillary Clinton, filled Kodak Hall at the Eastman Theatre to honor the memory and celebrate the life of Louise Slaughter.

The day was sad but not really somber.  Political luminaries like House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi, Congressman John Lewis, Congressman Steny Hoyer, and Congresswoman Maxine Waters were there honoring Louise.  But it was Louise’s children and grand children who captured the moment with heart rending and heart uplifting stories that were funny — like Louise — and purposeful — like Louise.

SEE ALSO: Louise Slaughter (August 14, 1929 – March 16, 2018) and Louise Slaughter Was a Champion of the People

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Secretary Clinton addressing the crowd at the Kodak Hall at the Eastman Theatre. 3/23/18

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A view of the Clintons from the balcony seats. 3/23/18

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Thomas Warfield

I stood in line with Thomas Warfield. Thomas said his family knew Louise for decades. His recollection of Louise was quoted in Saturday’s Democrat and Chronicle.


Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Saturday, March 24th, 2018

Today’s visit marked the third appearance of Clinton in the series. In 2011, he spoke at the University of Rochester’s Meliora Weekend.

THE SERIES  SEE The Presidential Visits Series in its entirety: James Monroe to Donald Trump

First, ROYALTY ON THE RIVER: A KING (and maybe a second king, and even an emperor) COME TO ROCHESTER

Falls - July 12, 1797

Genesee River Falls – July 12, 1797

In Sarah, we were there too! “Lafayette in the SOMEWHAT United States”and Rochester, a plaque for a Frenchman in downtown Rochester.


1 Exchange Street

1 Exchange Street



James Monroe High School, Alexander Street

In Martin Van Buren: The Little Magician pops up in Rochester, it was 1839.


Rochester Daily Advertiser, September 6th, 1839.

In When President John Quincy Adams visited Rochester on July 27th and 28th, 1843 and toured Mt. Hope Cemetery, the grave of Nathaniel Rochester.

Nathaniel Rochester’s grave on his tour of Mt. Hope Cemetery. Between West and Glenn Avenues in the R section, the grave is # 15 in the Mount Hope Cemetery Pocket Guide.

Nathaniel Rochester’s grave on his tour of Mt. Hope Cemetery. Between West and Glenn Avenues in the R section, the grave is # 15 in the Mount Hope Cemetery Pocket Guide.

In Millard Who?, Millard Fillmore in 1851.

Rochester in 1853

Rochester in 1853 at the time of Fillmore’s visits. Reproduced in 1973 by HISTORICAL URBAN PLANS, Ithaca, New York from a lithograph in the Cornell University Library. This is number 208 of an edition limited to 500 copies. [Owned by David Kramer]

In On Abraham Lincoln in Rochester from Michael Nighan, a plaque and a train station.


In When President Andrew Johnson and Ulysses S. Grant visited Rochester in the Swing Around the Circle, two Presidents for the price of one.

President Johnson (man on platform facing left) spent 15 minutes in Geneva in 1866; his railroad car stopped next to the Tompkins House on the northwest corner of Lewis and Exchange streets.

President Johnson (man on platform facing left) spent 15 minutes in Geneva in 1866; his railroad car stopped next to the Tompkins House on the northwest corner of Lewis and Exchange streets.

In Memorial Day, 1892, when President Benjamin Harrison dedicated the Soldier’s and Sailor’s Monument in Washington Square Park with Frederick Douglass. And Occupy Rochester, Benjamin Harrison, Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass in the same park Occupy would occupy.


Democrat and Chronicle, May 31, 1892

November 1st, 1892 when McKinley campaigned for Benjamin Harrison, more support for Harrison.


02 Nov 1892, Wed, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

In October, 26th, 1898: the Rough Rider on his way to the Governor’s mansion. TR Comes to Town, again…and again…and again… by Michael Nighan., a statue of Teddy in Theodore Roosevelt School #43, Lyell Ave.


Inside Theodore Roosevelt School #43 on a visit by student volunteers from St. John Fisher College April, 2015

When Taft spoke at Convention Hall on August 23rd, 1911, the Grand Army of the Republic.


Taft in Rochester, 8/23/11

When Wilson spoke at Convention Hall and the Shubert Theatre four days before elected President, a three way race.

75 W. Main Street, Rochester, NY

@1908. The National Theater (opened in 1902) was renamed Theater Shubert prior to 1913. 75 W. Main Street, Rochester, NY

In BIG BILL, BIG BELL AND SCHOOL BELLS: An ex-president, the Liberty Bell, and several thousand school teachers come to town. William Howard Taft again.

The Liberty Bell in Rochester

In FDR’s first visit to Rochester as a national candidate, September 23rd, 1920. And the League of Nations., Rachel in Washington Square Park.rab-fdr

In October 21st, 1920 in Rochester and Governor Harding’s return to normalcy. And the school named after him., a school in North Gates.


On the steps outside the Northstar Christian Academy in North Gates (formerly the Harding School).

In Herbert Hoover finally found in Rochester, Hoover campaigned for Harding.

Democrat and Chronicle, 19 Oct 1920, Tue, Page 20

Democrat and Chronicle, 19 Oct 1920, Tue, Page 20

In Governor Roosevelt’s triumphant return to the Convention Hall, October 18th, 1932, the first of his four wins.


Convention Hall is now the site of Geva. Gift from Lucian Waddell. ceramic miniature: “Geva Theatre, Rochester, New York, Performing at the Richard Pine Theatre, 25th Anniversary Season 1997 – 1998, Limited Edition”

In FDR in Rochester en route to a New Deal landslide, October 17th, 1936, an unfinished portrait.


The Unfinished Portrait by Elizabeth Shoumatoff. [gift of Jeanne Jackson to Carol Kramer]

In FDR in Rochester three days before he won a third term, a World War.

Democrat and Chronicle, 03 Nov 1940, Sun, Page 8

Democrat and Chronicle, 03 Nov 1940, Sun, Page 8

In When President Truman campaigned in Rochester en route to his upset win over NY Governor Thomas Dewey, it was Dewey’s second straight loss.


In October 23rd and 24th, 1952 when Ike and Adlai were in town back to back. And School 29., the Adlai E. Stevenson School.


88 Kirkland Road

In 56 years ago when JFK spoke at the War Memorial. Two days after his debate with Nixon. Nine days after RFK was here., a photo from Temple B’rith Kodesh.


Provided courtesy of Temple B’rith Kodesh, Elmwood Avenue

In Nixon at the War Memorial one week before he lost a razor thin election to JFK , the War Memorial.


The War Memorial in downtown Rochester

In LBJ and RFK in Rochester, October 15th,1964, LBJ and RFK at the airport.

Lyndon Baines Johnson Building, Rochester Institute of Technology

Lyndon Baines Johnson Building, Rochester Institute of Technology

In November 3rd, 1964: When Rochester’s Senator Keating lost to RFK in the wake of LBJ’s landslide. a Federal building.


The Kenneth B. Keating Federal Building, 100 State Street.

In In ’68 when Vice President Humphrey and former Vice President Nixon campaigned in Rochester, the election that defined the ’60s.


Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Walk of Honor in Highland Park

In 45 years ago when President Nixon visited Rochester. And 3 days later when East High School erupted in racial violence a media briefing at the Landmark Hotel in Pittsford.

20. M

Democrat and Chronicle, June 18th, 1971

In In ’72 when McGovern campaigned in Rochester before Nixon’s landslide victory, it was another win for Nixon.


Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Walk of Honor in Highland Park

In When Carter stumped Rochester in ’76. And Howard the Duck. it was Howard for Prez.


From the Howard the Duck series, 1976

In October 31st, 1976: Gerald Ford two days before the unelected president’s comeback falls just short., a Playboy


From the Howard the Duck series, 1976

In October 29th, 1980: Carter at a rally six days before the Reagan revolution. And when Bernie Sanders campaigned for Barry Commoner, the Citizen’s Party.


(1965) Scanned courtesy of Benjamin Scwabe, Small World Books

In November 1st, 1984: Ronald Reagan five days before his 49 state landslide. And Jesse Jackson at MCC. And a liberal enclave. it was two rallies.


In 27 years ago today when President George H. W. Bush visited Wilson Magnet High School, a signed chalkboard.

Held at Wilson Magnet High School, Genesee Street.

In May 24th, 2005 when President Bush spent political capital in Greece. it is Dr. Bruce Kay


Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, May 25th, 2004

In 11 years ago when President Bush met J-Mac. And the judgment of history., J-Mac and the Iraq War


Julie Everitt and Carol Kramer at a rally in Washington, D.C. From The long vigil for peace on the corner of East and Goodman

In 5 Meliora Weekends ago when President Clinton spoke., Great Books with President Seligman.


Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, 10/21/11


Democrat and Chronicle 20 Oct 2012-Sat Main Edition

In On October 19th, 2012 when Bill Clinton campaigned for Louise Slaughter. And a Socialist at the public market, Peta Lyndsay.

In A seat at the President’s table four years later soup and a grilled cheese sandwich at Magnolia’s and an eyewitness account from Evalyn Gleason.


With Hostess Devin Congdon at Magnolia’s (2015)

In Next stop Albany. On the road with the Trumprenuers, the Trumprenuers at the airport.

Jessica Rowe from Scottsville with her new hat. Scottsville Road

Jessica Rowe from Scottsville with her new hat. Scottsville Road

In Memories of presidential visits on Election Day in Brighton, a vote for Talker.


Election Day, 2016. Note: the photo of me holding the ballot sleeve does not technically violate New York Election Law § 17-130(10) as I did not show my completed ballot. The state law makes it a misdemeanor for any voter to show their ballot “after it is prepared for voting, to any person so as to reveal the contents,” or for anyone to solicit a voter to show their ballot after it’s been prepared. The logic is that such a prohibition prevents people from selling their vote and being able to prove that they did so.

About The Author

Welcome to Talker of the Town! My name is David Kramer. I have a Ph.D in English and teach at Keuka College. I am a former and still active Fellow at the Nazareth College Center for Public History and a Storyteller in Residence at the SmallMatters Institute. Over the years, I have taught at Monroe Community College, the Rochester Institute of Technology and St. John Fisher College. I have published numerous Guest Essays, Letters, Book Reviews and Opinion pieces in The New York Times, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, the Buffalo News, the Rochester Patriot, the Providence Journal, the Providence Business News, the Brown Alumni Magazine, the New London Day, the Boston Herald, the Messenger Post Newspapers, the Wedge, the Empty Closet, the CITY, Lake Affect Magazine and Brighton Connections. My poetry appears in The Criterion: An International Journal in English and Rundenalia and my academic writing in War, Literature and the Arts and Twentieth Century Literary Criticism. Starting in February 2013, I wrote for three Democratic and Chronicle  blogs, "Make City Schools Better," "Unite Rochester," and the "Editorial Board." When my tenure at the D & C  ended, I wanted to continue conversations first begun there. And start new ones.  So we created this new space, Talker of the Town, where all are invited to join. I don’t like to say these posts are “mine.” Very few of them are the sole product of my sometimes overheated imagination. Instead, I call them partnerships and collaborations. Or as they say in education, “peer group work.” Talker of the Town might better be Talkers of the Town. The blog won’t thrive without your leads, text, pictures, ideas, facebook shares, tweets, comments and criticisms.


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