Twelve Corners Memorial Park, Brighton, NY 4/5/18 [Photo: David Kramer]
Recently, the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle reported that Brighton is the best place to live in New York State. As seen in Pax Brightonia, we agree.
On a “Black Lives Matter” sign in Brighton
An anti-racism vigil and Black Lives Matter signs in Brighton
Many voices against hate at the Twelve Corners
Helping to find Trevyan Rowe at the Twelve Corners Memorial Park
Nearly 4,000 at Temple B’rith Kodesh mourn
Emily Sargent’s summer with NYPIRG: Saving the earth by killing turf
Seeker of Light: Re-Viewing Louis Kahn’s First Unitarian Church
What is the connection between Beethoven and Meridian Centre in Brighton?
At the Brighton Town Hall 1957 mural with Sandra Frankel
Traffic Control Box Art in Brighton – Evolution of a Community project.
Plein Air Painting at the Amos B. Buckland House in Brighton

8/21/21 Madison Gardner [Photo: David Kramer]
Hundreds receive rapid covid-19 testing at Temple B’rith Kodesh in Brighton
This series comes to end: An eerie quiet at SUNY Empire State and Medaille Colleges in Brighton
An eerie quiet at Monroe Community College
An eerie quiet at McQuaid Jesuit High School in Brighton
Don’t cross until Steve says so
Still at Twelve Corners Middle SchoolAn MLK Day of symphonies, service and Sneetches at Hillel Community Day School
Young citizens show their mettle at the Brighton High School Walk Out
The Garden of Hope in Brighton: 9/11/18FARMS
Illegal and unethical dumping next to abandoned farm at the Highland Crossing with Christine Platt
AMVETS saves the day at film shooting in Brighton; Talker pitches in.
Celebrating diversity on the Fourth of July at Meridian Centre Park in Brighton
Celebrating the Fourth of July at the Game at the Corners. And much more.
In Brighton, first 4th of July fireworks for new African immigrants
No Fireworks? Talker has you covered (ash and all)
Brighton-Pittsford Post prints “Garden blooms at local 7 Eleven”
Seminole Way in Brighton and the era of racial covenants
The Yom Kippur War (1973) and historical memory
Brighton High School remembers its New Wave/retro punk/Art punk past: The De Grads
A poem from former Degrad Jonathan Caws-Elwitt, BHS ’80. And advice to young writers.
After Parkland, discovering fallen Brightonians from World War Two
Were rare coins in the Principal’s safe at Brighton High School, 1935?
“Motivated by the Audacity” Remembering 9/11 at Monroe Community College
My grandparent’s old gold coins and Anya’s lucky found money purse
Good Luck continues. And what the Torah says I should do. And the Mystic’s stick
A bike in Brighton unstolen for over 40 hours
On the road from Texas to Brighton for the love of jazz
Bop Shop Records makes a house call. And Jazz history.
Juneteenth in Brighton, North Street and Outlook Field

[6/19/21 Brighton Town Supervisor William Moehle raising The Juneteenth flag at the Town of Brighton’s Inaugural Juneteenth Flag Raising Ceremony.
The Friends of the Brighton Memorial Library celebrate golden anniversary
Do you know what and where this is?

1/7/22 David Kramer at the Brighton Memorial Library pay phone. [Photo: Courtesy of the BML staff]
Do the troubled spirits of John and Irene walk the Brickyard Trail? Probably not. At the Brighton Library, Matt Bashore unveils the twists and turns of the crime and punishment
A ribbon cutting and the Pages of the Brighton Memorial Library
In search of Shirley Jackson and finding the Brighton High School Alumni author display case
Read about Sutton Griggs at the Brighton Memorial Library
Remembering Armistice Day, 11/11/1918, at the Brighton Memorial Library and Buckland Park

[11/9/21 Brighton Memorial Library. (left) David Kramer with the 11/11/1918 edition of the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle and Matthew Bashore, BML Adult Services Manager, with the 11/11/1918 edition of the Rochester Times-Union. Photo: Heather DeMay, BML staff.
From Zimbabwe to Tokyo at the Brighton Farmers Market
Buy often and early at the 7th Get Some Balls sale in Brighton’s Meadowbrook neighborhood
After a virtual hiatus, the Get Some Balls! sale is actual. Buy now
Revisiting “Rock Fever Hits Meadowbrook” (May-June 2000)
A fond farewell to the Get Some Balls! sale in Brighton
What is a Meadowbrook Parade without the First U.S. Girl On The Moon?
Good Bye Monroe Post and thanks for the memories.
Forget EastplaceMarketview when you can Get Hip at Black Vinyl Friday at Bop Shop Records
In line and inside the Bop Shop for National Record Store Day
Hard core Hank is back in the Bop Shop line
A hunter’s tree stand on the Highland Crossing Trail during a late April snowfall
Exotic animals once lived next to the Highland Crossing Trail
Following a gaggle of wild turkeys on the Highland Crossing Trail in Brighton
The first December snowfall at the Highland Crossing Trail in Brighton
First November snowfall at the Highland Crossing in Brighton
New plaques in Town: Read all about it
During a dusting of May snow, revisiting the Highland Crossing Trail in Brighton
What should the trail behind Buckland Park in Brighton be named?
Voting early at Empire State College and celebrating Loving Day at Brighton Town Park
Spring cleaning and kite flying at Brighton Town Park
The inscribed brick pavers at Buckland Park in Brighton
On the Highland Crossing Trail in Brighton after an early March snowfall
The ground breaking of the Brickyard Trail in Brighton and “Memories of the Crab Apple battles”
On a stainless steel American Bald Eagle in Buckland Park and endorsing Sandra Frankel
More on how the Sandra L. Frankel Nature Park came to be
Ghosts MIGHT walk the beautiful Brickyard Trail in Brighton.
The difference between guys and girls in coed softball at Brighton Town Park
How do you make it to Carnegie Hall? Go to the Rochester Academy of Music & Arts!
Kids Fishing Derby at Brighton Town Park. And a fish story.
You are never too old at the Kid’s Fishing Derby in Brighton
The beginnings of a better Auburn Trail
Breaking ground on the Auburn Trail in Brighton
A long time Brighton teacher continues to change lives

Lura Kelley with student
David Cay Johnston’s tireless pursuit of the facts: a conversation with Allison Bondi

David Cay Johnston (left) after his 8/23/16 talk at Union Place. Photo: David Kramer
The Big Cheat (December 2021) with Brighton’s Pulitzer Prize winning author David Cay Johnston

David Cay Johnston with first copy of his new book The Big Cheat at his home. His shirt refers to Soquel High in Santa Cruz, Calif., where he attended.
Talker featured in Brighton Connections

David Kramer next to the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Highland Park [Photo: Sarah Salvilla, October 2021] See Brighton Connections_Nov 21 (pdf)

(left) Edward R. Crone Jr., Brighton High School Crossroads yearbook, 1941. Held at and scanned courtesy of Brighton Memorial Library; (right) Crone’s gravesite in Mt. Hope Cemetery, 12/15/18 [Photo: David Kramer]

Carol Kramer in the mid-1970s when she taught mathematics at Mercy High School.
Sid Rosenzweig on jacket writing

Sid during his time as film critic for Channel 13’s 530 Magazine. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, June 1, 1981.
Dr. Harold Pollack left Brighton as a conservative and returned a liberal

Harold Pollack (second from top right). The Leonia High School (Leonia, NJ) 1981 Prom. Looking back, Harold advises; “Never rent a powder blue tuxedo.”
Honoring Mary Jo Lanphear, Brighton Town Historian since 1986

Brighton Town Historian in the historical archives, Brighton Town Hall, 1/29/20 [Photo: David Kramer]
Bruce returns from Cambodia with “Umpire State”
Eugene Kramer publishes “Isaac” sixty-five years later.
Brighton girl taking feminist humor big time
Eric Kemperman, Brighton High School ’81, is back in town and sledding!

Eric Kemperman [Photo: David Kramer]
I Was Racially Profiled In My Own Neighborhood Today. Again.
Nazareth College’s President Daan Braveman on defining moments and his own March on Washington, August 1963
A Boy and his BG: A Love Story (visual poem)
Byrna Weir remembers and honors Don Franklin’s life and art
Who’s on first at the Game at the Corners? The Rabbi.
Brighton Town Supervisor Bill “Shohei” Moehle throws out first pitch, goes two for three with 2 RBI’s in the Game at the Corners
Brighton Town Councilmember Robin Wilt pitches in at the Game at the Corners
East High’s oldest athlete, Morris Shapiro’s (1913 -2016) love of wrestling never waned
Brighton High School loses one of its two great sportscasters, Hank Greenwald ’53
One of Brighton High School’s Fab Five is back in town
Eugene Kramer: August 14th, 1929 to June 30th, 2019
Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church teams up with Brighton Food Cupboard at the Farmer’s Market
Why did the Faith Temple in Brighton give away free stuff?
Brighton’s connection to R Community Bikes

Melaney Bernhardt of Brighton holds two signs, Freedom Over Fear and Honk For Freedom, joining a group of people on Massachusetts Avenue in Buffalo protesting against COVID health regulation mandates on February 12, 2022. The group met in the parking lot of a former Gander Mountain on Young Street, Tonawanda, to rally and then caravan to Pat Sole Park in Buffalo near the Peace Bridge to protest the COVID mandates. Part of the rally was in support of the truckers in Canada who shut down the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. The group headed first to Niagara Square before heading to Pat Sole Park and honked as they went by Buffalo City Hall and Buffalo Police and Fire Headquarters.
On the electoral road with Christine Corrado
On the electoral road with Rajesh Barnabas
On the electoral road with Robin Wilt
On the electoral road with Albert Blankley
On the electoral road with Patrick Reilly
The early birds get the worms. Signature gathering in Brighton
The First Presidential Yard Sign in Brighton in this Winter Snow
Third parties at the Brookside polling place (25th Congressional District)

Brighton Town Superintendent William Moehle strongly considered John Anderson in 1980, be finally voted for Carter.
Memories of presidential visits on Election Day in Brighton
Which Presidential election mattered the most to you?
Election Day and in search of lawn signs in Brighton
“Day of the Dead” at the Mesquite Mexican Grill in Brighton
SPORTS: baseball, chess, football, softball and volleyball
Catch the Sluggers at Meridian Centre Park in Brighton; Talker pitches in.
Sectional extravaganza in Brighton
Sectional Extravaganza on Culver Road

Brighton and East tip caps to each other at after the game. East Coach Kyle Crandall wished Brighton good luck as they advanced in the sectionals.
The Jewish Sports Hall of Fame at the Jewish Community Center in Brighton
Cold and snowy Turkey Bowls at Reifsteck Field
Brighton fans celebrate hometown hero Ernie Clement in victory
Iconic America at the Brighton Little League Parade
Wildcats strike out our undermanned Barons
Congratulations Barons on a magical season.
Barons prevail in first televised football game at Reifsteck Field
Working on the Chain Gang at Reifsteck Field
Pygmies of ’69 remain Brighton’s last undefeated football team
New Team in Town: Roc City Steelers debut at Buckland Park
Encore for the Roc City Steelers at Buckland Park
Farewell Boys and Girls of Summer! Under-40 MVP smashes 5 home runs off Over-40 MVP in Sunday finale
On the boards and in the field, Wildcats continue to defeat Barons
“An early-spring renewal of the spirit” over 10,000 fungos later
Celebrating and social distancing in Brighton
Peter Fornieri weaves his award winning tailgate magic on Bonnie Brae in Brighton
The Boys and Girls of Summer complete 22nd season of the Game at the Corners.
King ‘Drew and his new Crew at JCC CenterStage: Bloody, Bloody, Andrew Jackson”
Once again, charmed and challenged at the JCC CenterStage: Church and State
Memorial Day at Buckland and Highland Parks
A snowy 100th Veterans Day in Brighton and the Battle of the Bulge
On Veterans Day at Buckland and Highland Parks. And the Moral Equivalent of War