Cobb’s Hill, very first pull up a the new MVP Fitness Court, 9:07 a.m. 9/9/19 [Photo: city worker]
As seen in Adding the very first shot at the Tony Boler Courts, 9:07 a.m., to the Cobb’s Hill series, on the morning of the official opening of the Tony Boler basketball courts at Cobb’s Hill, I was first on the scene to take the first ever shot.

9:07 am, 6/2/18. The very first shot at the Tony Boler Courts. [Photo: Mike of Jay Wolfe Productions]
Yesterday, just as city workers were putting on finishing touches to the MVP Fitness Court, I was — again — the first to successfully make the first ever Pull Up.
As described in Free fitness court opens in Cobb’s Hill Park (WHEC News, 9/10/19):
The state-of-the-art facility is the first of its kind in New York state. Located in Cobb’s Hill Park, the outdoor fitness court has 30 stations that can be customized for different athletic abilities.
It’s a partnership between MVP Health Care, the City of Rochester, and National Fitness Campaign.
MVP Health Care explained the court has an outdoor circuit training system that includes 30 pieces of equipment, allowing users of all skill levels to use their body weight at different angles and resistance levels to increase mobility and muscular strength.
The court’s free Fitness Court App can guide users through the different exercises and act as a personal trainer for you to use at your own pace and level of ability. It focuses on seven movements: core, squat, push, lunge, pull, agility, and bend.
Throughout the year, Fitness Ambassadors will hold free classes. Local exercise enthusiasts can sign up to become an ambassador to lead classes and giving back to the community.
Before today’s ribbon cutting, Willie J. Lightfoot. Vice President of the Rochester City Council — following my lead from Monday — was the first dignitary to successfully complete a leap on a fitness block. Later, Willie met up with Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren who spoke.

(Top) Following my lead, Vice President of the Rochester City Council Willie Lightfoot showing his jumping prowess. (Bottom) Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren with Willie Lightfoot.
The event included the WBBE kiosk.
![At the WBBE kiosk, I won several prizes. [Photo: Colleen Lagonegro, PR Representative, Entercom Rochester, 9/10/19]](
At the WBBE kiosk, I won several prizes. [Photo: Colleen Lagonegro, PR Representative, Entercom Rochester, 9/10/19]
Eric Kemperman, Brighton High School ’81, is back in town and sledding!
What’s a little snow at the Cobb’s Hill ultimate frisbee game
Adding the first pull up at the new Cobb’s Hill Fitness Court to the Cobb’s Hill series
At Cobb’s Hill, a tree, a plaque and fifty years after the death of Shirley Louise Anderson
The RCAC is back at Cobb’s Hill (where Johnny Antonelli struck out 20)
Adding the very first shot at the Tony Boler Courts, 9:07 a.m., to the Cobb’s Hill series
The Graffiti Towers of Washington Grove: A Photographic Gallery
Adding a wooded haven to the Cobb’s Hill series with a stroll through Washington Grove
42 years and counting for the Kick Ass Kro-Kay Club of Cobb’s Hill
On a mound at Cobb’s Hill! And how the City of Rochester handles its loose leaves.
The 8th Annual Festival of Softball: After 800 Innings the “Tribute to Noah” nears $100,000
The Cobb’s Hill tragedy of an “invisible man” ten years later
The Graffiti Towers of Washington Grove: A Photographic Gallery
Adding a wooded haven to the Cobb’s Hill series with a stroll through Washington Grove
42 years and counting for the Kick Ass Kro-Kay Club of Cobb’s Hill
On a mound at Cobb’s Hill! And how the City of Rochester handles its loose leaves.
The 8th Annual Festival of Softball: After 800 Innings the “Tribute to Noah” nears $100,000
The Cobb’s Hill tragedy of an “invisible man” ten years later