Voters lined up outside Carmen Clark Lodge in Brighton Town Park, Westfall Road, 5:57 a.m. [Photo: David Kramer, 11/03/20] See On election eve, Bill Pruitt offers “The Strange Motion of October” and John Roche offers “Que Sera, Sera”
Abating the Wave Machine
It’ s a wave machine
it’s stirred up a lot of ignorance
anger, hatred even,
we need to turn it off
and we can, just have to reach in
and remove that one power train
it’s tricky there are so many of us
at the controls, it requires
an integrated movement
like a tornado, say,that and a cleanup crew
to work through our lifetimes
to put back
what was destroyed
in four years
— Bill Pruitt, 11/03/20

Empire State College, Westfall Road. 6:03 a.m. [Photo: David Kramer, 11/03/20] See At Empire State College, I voted for “?”