During our investigative reporting, Bleu Cease (right) kept us at arms length, not giving an inch. [Photo: Becca, RoCo staff] 5/31/16
In the past, famous artists like Wendell Castle, Albert Paley and Carl Chiarenza have donated valuable artwork for the good cause.
To further this good cause, earlier this year Talker commissioned a very famous artist to create a work to be titled, “Fool’s Gold,” destined to be borderline priceless. Alas, the very famous artist was called away to do to some touch up work on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. So “Fool’s Gold” remains unfinished.

Alice Neel started work on James Hunter Black Draftee in 1965, but Mr. Hunter never came back for a second sitting.
But unfinished itself is a relative term. According to an NPR May 31st program, “You Gonna Finish That?”, unfinishedness can be a virtue or opportunity, even inviting the viewer to imagine the completed work in his or her mind. Just as “Fool’s Gold” does.
For example, in a work bearing some tonal similarity with “Fool’s Gold,” in 1965, the American painter Alice Neel was working on a portrait of James Hunter, an African-American draftee nearing deployment in Vietnam. But Hunter never returned for a second sitting. But ten years later, Neel decided the work was finished, put a title on the back, and signed James Hunter Black Draftee. In many ways, the power of the work is drawn from its sketchiness — not unlike Hunter himself about whom nothing more is known.
That in mind, while “Fool’s Gold” will not now be in the 6×6 exhibition, we still offer the piece to the general public — VFA’s name withheld of course — with proceeds going to RoCo.With “Fool’s Gold’s” out of the running, some pre-raffle investigative journalism was in order: in search of what might be other works by VFAs.
But the mission was no easy one. As Stephen Colbert might say, how do you know famousiness when you see it?
I began by interrogating Blue Cease, Roco’s Executive Director. Last year, Bleu had invited me for a fab photo op culminating in Art and a fumbled football merge at Rochester Contemporary Art Center. But Bleu was determined not to play press favorites. Peppering him with questions and pestering him for clues, Bleu was poker faced, revealing nothing as to which works were the Aces of Spades. Bleu only told me that VFA Alex Lerner, as well as locals Mayor Lovely Warren, Congresswoman Louise Slaughter and Anchorwoman Janet Lomax, had 6×6’s in the show.

(l-r) David Kramer, Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren, and Nazareth College’s Dr. David Anderson. From On the Memorial Day Parade and The Army of the Republic of Viet Nam
Not shirking my critical responsibilities, I almost immediately knew there was no way I could spot a VFA. As you will be, I become lost in cornucopia for the eyes, a maze of superb artworks: abstract, figurative, multi-dimensional, multi-media, graphic, photographic. Too many candidates from which to choose. VFA clueless.
As I had had a fab photo op with Mayor Warren at the Memorial Day Parade, I did canvas the walls for her contribution. Hmm, clue, Mayor of Rochester. Her piece must be something Rochester. Impossible to imagine Lovely using a theme other than Rochester.
As for my other selections, I went by first impressions resonating with my own experiences. That’s the pleasure you’ll take. Matching your stream of associations with the 6,000 artworks on the walls.
Right was my first choice. No, not to keep your prurient attention — though I know Talker readers (and writers) well.
A month or so ago, one of our contributing editors wrote a tasteful and thoughtful essay on the recent Rochester Erotic Arts Festival. A short time after the essay’s appearance, viewers using computer servers in the RCSD received this message when accessing the magazine: “Sorry, talkerofthetown.com is not currently accessible because its categorized as adult.bodyart.
The grammatical error in the message aside, we believe the RCSD filtering software targeted pictures in the essay as inappropriate. Actually, the pictures were less revealing than the 6×6 nude. Efforts to resolve the issue so far have failed. So — as long as Talker is categorized as adult.bodyart — we might as well go for the full female monty.

“Whatever” by Sarah Levy, from A Trumpreneur at Trumpmania
Having been to the exhibit at the Rochester Museum of Art, a Trump beckoned. see A Trumpreneur at Trumpmania, .
But, as we have throughout the campaign, see On seeing my first Trump supporters outside the Bug Jar, Bernie gets equal time.
I chose the Yogi Berra because Yogi was my father’s 80th birthday gift. On Yogi Berra and Dale Berra and the 1973 World Series and Willie Mays and my father
I chose the Rochester Subway because I hope the wall art is not ruined. Love and hope in the Rochester Subway
I chose the football because I was wearing my Cleveland Browns shirt from our last fab photo op at RoCo.
One work I could not physical locate, but maybe you can. Done by a VFA you know well.
UPDATE: we received this comment (from another VFA you know well).
Oh..so Shadi is the VFA! Good work, Shadi! I hope you finish Fool’s Gold. Looks like you have an excellent start… |
ON THE ANDERSON ARTS BUILDING includes discussion with Robert Marx on when he knows he’s finished.